
Award Winning School

We are responsible for your kids’ intelligence, skills and horizon before they enter elementary school

We are London based Primary School focused on excellence

Our school is dedicated to teaching students through positive learning experiences so that they will be successful at the elementary school. We believe the unique learning styles of students should be considered when planning and implementing learning activities.

01. Books & Library

We have a rich collection of books, certified by Ministry of Education and top social children organizations.

02. Great Teachers

Our teaching staff undoubtedly consists of highly experienced and talented teacher who love children.

03. Certification

Our school regularly passes governmental certifications. We are confident our teaching is on top.

Apply Letter for Admission to Primary School

We welcome parents and their beloved kids to join our team and start education in Kiddlez!

More than 70 Years of Experience

Passing to
Years of

Our School Life

Набор в 10-е классы

Набор в 10-е классы

Приглашаем в 10й класс!Уважаемые родители и учащиеся! Приглашаем Вас в 10-й естественно-научный класс с углублённым изучением химии и биологии. ГБОУ средняя…
Акция “Везу детей безопасно!”

Акция “Везу детей безопасно!”

В рамках направления «Крепкая семья» Народной программы Всероссийской политической партии «Единая Россия» реализуется проект «Везу детей безопасно!». Его цель…
Набор в объединения дополнительного образования

Набор в объединения дополнительного образования

Дорогие ребята! Уважаемые родители! Хотите обрести уверенность в себе? Расширить свой кругозор? Заполнить свой досуг интересным и необычным занятием?…

meet our staff

All our teachers are highly educated and have years of experience in education. They do their best to ensure fascinating and educational lessons, so your children get either basic knowledge and social skills they can implement in future.

Титенко Павел Анатольевич

Титенко Павел Анатольевич

Исполняющий обязанности директора, Заместитель директора по УВР (5-11 классы), учитель истории и обществознания
Билоконь Яна Юрьевна

Билоконь Яна Юрьевна

Заместитель директора по ВР
Еличева Елена Николаевна

Еличева Елена Николаевна

Руководитель ОДОД, педагог ОДОД
Александрович Нина Борисовна

Александрович Нина Борисовна

Заместитель директора по АХЧ

Parents Testimonials

I was recommended to choose Kiddlez as a primary school for my son. I visited school, talked to teachers and pupils and found so many opportunities here, that I had no doubts what decision to take. My son is now in elementary schools, but he still remembers Kiddlez.

Emma Doe

I must admit, I loved teaching staff from our first meeting. I saw they are intelligent, open-hearted and educated. All my children attended Kiddlez and had a very strong base for further education. I can strongly recommend this school to all parents who are looking for it now.

Tom Ford

I want to thank all teachers who do their best to provide our children with qualitative and useful knowledge. They perfectly mix education and play, and children are very satisfied with such approach to lessons. My daughter is a graduate and she is ready to study in elementary school.

Marta Stewart
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+800 123 45 67

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+800 123 45 67

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